Child’s Pose / Prayer Stretch

Kneel on all-fours, hands beneath your shoulders, knees beneath your hips. Leave your hands where they are and pull your pelvis down onto your heels. Feel the stretch in your spine as you reach away with your fingertips.

Hold for 20-30 seconds.


Cat Stretch

Kneel on all-fours, hands beneath your shoulders, knees beneath your hips. Tuck your chin in and your tail underneath you and round your back towards the ceiling. Then lower your back down, arching your back the other way.

Repeat 10 times.


Spinal Rotation

Lie on your back, and place your right foot on the left knee. Use your left hand to pull your right knee towards the floor keeping your right shoulder on the floor. Feel the stretch in the spine.

Repeat on the other side, 2-3 times on each side.


Pelvic Tilts

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor hip-width apart. Tighten your stomach muscles and flatten your lower back into the floor, gently tilting the pelvis up. Hold, and then return to the start position.

Repeat 10 times.