When you think of chiropractic adjustments, you probably picture treatments to the back and neck. While it’s true that chiropractic medicine is centered on the spine, it can also be quite helpful to your arms and legs. Injuries, arthritis, and restricted motion can all be relieved by chiropractic techniques. Below are just a few limb conditions that your chiropractor can address.


Our feet are under a huge amount of stress every day. Not only do they hold our entire body weight, but our feet also have to perfectly balance and shift that weight to allow us to walk and run properly. It’s no wonder that foot pain is such a common complaint.

One of the major causes of foot pain is plantar fasciitis, an inflammation and irritation of the connective tissue in the foot. Chiropractic release techniques can not only ease plantar fasciitis, but also help to make sure your feet have proper arches, which are vital for a correct gait and to preventing future foot and spine issues. 


The knees may function as a simple hinge joint, but they take a huge amount of strain from walking, running, jumping, sitting, and standing. In fact, knee surgeries are one of the most common orthopaedic surgeries performed.

Knee pain is caused by a myriad of factors. Meniscus injuries, ligament injuries, arthritis, and loss of cartilage may all lead to stiff, painful, and swollen knees. A chiropractor can help reduce your knee issues without surgery. Specific forms of manipulation will not only improve knee range of motion, but help alleviate pain.


Frozen shoulder syndrome and rotator cuff damage are frequent causes of shoulder pain. Chiropractic treatment can help these and other shoulder issues with a two-pronged approach. Since the nerves responsible for sensation and movement of the upper extremities exit the spinal column in the cervical area, chiropractic adjustment to the neck helps to ensure these nerves aren’t pinched or blocked. A great deal of shoulder pain is actually caused by problems with the cervical vertebrae rather than the shoulder itself.

Secondly, chiropractic manipulation can also be applied directly to the shoulder. This works particularly well with frozen shoulder problems. In addition to shoulder adjustments, your chiropractor can devise an exercise and stretching plan to get your shoulder back in prime working order.


The most commonly reported elbow problem is lateral epicondylitis, better known as tennis elbow. Despite the name, tennis elbow is not just limited to tennis players, but may be experienced by golfers, those who do overhead work, and really anyone in the general population. Tennis elbow is an injury caused by repetitive movement and develops gradually over time.

Your chiropractor will address your elbow problems by developing a program of cold therapy and rest, but the most important step is to make certain your elbow and other joints are properly aligned. Of course, this includes your spine as well. Through chiropractic adjustment, your elbow and other joints will receive better blood flow, decreased inflammation, and easier movement.