
Core Activation Challenges

2020-08-25T16:28:55-04:00August 18th, 2015|Core, Other|

Congratulations, you have successfully mastered the beginner core activation exercises and your chiropractor feels that you are ready for step 2! These exercises are designed to challenge your core muscles even further and will be a big difference maker with gaining good back health. As always, only do these if your chiropractor has recommended them. [...]

Core Activation

2020-08-25T16:29:08-04:00August 18th, 2015|Core, Other|

Your core muscles underlie your stomach and lower back. They are the foundation on which everything else moves and pulls from. The importance of a properly working core is important in work, sports, and every day life. Try these if they have recommended to you by your chiropractor. If you have questions, contact our clinic [...]

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