
High- and low-impact activities for everyone

2020-04-04T13:35:28-04:00November 15th, 2019|General|

It is no secret that at the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) we often promote the benefits of regular physical activity as a way to stay healthy and happy. In fact, the CCA thinks it’s so important that we’ve created a free app: Straighten Up Canada! The app is currently available for download via Apple Store, Google Play and Blackberry World. [...]

Chiropractic Care Can Help Avoid Opioid Use

2020-04-06T17:00:15-04:00October 31st, 2019|General|

Canada is suffering from an opioid crisis. According to Health Canada, there have been roughly 9,000 Canadian deaths as a result of opioid use since 2016. During the past two years, an average of 11 people has died each day across the nation from opioid-related incidents. The problem is at epidemic proportions. Although the large [...]


2019-10-15T16:18:36-04:00October 15th, 2019|General|

Yoga can be an effective and gentle tool to help manage your low back pain. Its many benefits include relief from pain, stress and anxiety – it’s also fun and challenging!  Yoga can help you reduce muscle tension, increase flexibility and strength while improving your balance. Warm up before trying yoga, as you want to help your back pain, not make it worse.   Here is a list of yoga poses [...]

All About Repetitive Stress Injuries

2020-04-06T17:01:10-04:00September 30th, 2019|General|

Most of the time, people can recall the exact moment when they received a painful injury. For instance, a fall, automobile accident, or sports injury leaves a distinct impression. However, sometimes pain and dysfunction manifest without a clear inciting incident. When this occurs, the culprit is often a repetitive stress injury. What is a Repetitive [...]

Tidying up without the strain

2019-09-15T16:21:05-04:00September 15th, 2019|General|

Originally published: May 2015 When spring arrives, many people start to think about their long list of household chores, some of which require a great deal of bending, reaching and twisting that may increase the risk of injuries. We’ve pulled together some tips to help you stay safe while checking off your to-do lists: 1. [...]

A beginner’s guide to outdoor running

2019-08-15T16:19:49-04:00August 15th, 2019|General|

Chiropractor-approved tips You’ve made the decision to take your cardio routine from the treadmill to the sidewalk – congratulations! You’re on your way to reaping some amazing benefits. If you’re feeling wary about transitioning your routine to a new location, we’ve got you covered. With a good pair of running shoes and some healthy preparation, [...]

Cycling safety tips

2019-07-15T16:23:54-04:00July 15th, 2019|General|

The sun is out and the days are long, which makes it the perfect time of year to take your bike out for a spin. In Canada, we’re fortunate to have stunning bike routes from coast-to-coast, like Ontario’s Waterfront Trail, Quebec’s Route Verte, and Nova Scotia’s Cabot Trail (to name a few). But before hitting the trails, it’s important [...]

The Truth about “Horns” from Cell Phone Use

2020-04-06T17:03:43-04:00June 27th, 2019|General|

You may have read the recent article in The Washington Post about horns forming on the heads of Australian adolescents from chronic smartphone use. Other media outlets have picked up this story and run with it. After all, what gets clicks like an article about humans growing horns? Not surprisingly, the truth is much less [...]

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